110,00 USD

OL Helsinki 1952 HK 1

185,00 USD

Secure the Future 1953 – HK 2

220,00 USD

Plaque of the 40 anniversary of the founding of Finnis officials’ union – 1958 – HK 3

70,00 USD

Commemorative and Medal of Merit of the city of Riihimaki on the occasion of the award of the municipal law 1960 HK 5

250,00 USD

Postsparebanken, Postal savings bank, 1961 – HK 7 Silver

3,50 USD

Postsparebanken, Postal savings bank, 1961 – HK 7

70,00 USD

Medal of Merit on the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Agency’s Association Helsinki 1961- Hk 8

95,00 USD

P. J. Myrberg 1967 Bronze 1962 – HK 9

445,00 USD

P. J. Myrberg 1967 Silver, Rare Kauko Räsänen HK 9 Medal only 16 pcs.

25,00 USD

Memorial medal 100th anniversary of Wilhelm Bensow 1964 – HK 11

25,00 USD

Memorial medal 100th anniversary of Wilhelm Bensow 1964 – HK 11

25,00 USD

Memorial medal 100th anniversary of Wilhelm Bensow 1964 – HK 11

35,00 USD

Local self-government – democratic basis – 1964 – HK 012

25,00 USD

Jean Sebelius 1965 – Silver – HK 13

25,00 USD

Jean Sebelius 1965 – Silver – HK 13

25,00 USD

Jean Sebelius 1965 – Silver – HK 13

175,00 USD

Commemorative medal on the 25th anniversary of the Federal Warblinden in Finland 1966 - HK 15

115,00 USD

Medal of Merit of the Nordic Postage Stamp Exhibition 1966 Helsinki HK 16

18,00 USD

Primary school 1966 – HK 017

18,00 USD

Primary school 1966 – HK 017

18,00 USD

Primary school 1966 – HK 017

18,00 USD

Primary school 1966 – HK 017

38,00 USD

Memorial medal 50 years day for Finland independence 1967 – HK 19

35,00 USD

50 anniversary of the Finnish National Coalition Party of 1968. silver – HK 20

35,00 USD

50 anniversary of the Finnish National Coalition Party of 1968. silver – HK 20

35,00 USD

50 anniversary of the Finnish National Coalition Party of 1968. silver – HK 20

35,00 USD

50 anniversary of the Finnish National Coalition Party of 1968. silver – HK 20

35,00 USD

P.E. Svinhufvud former Finnish president, 1968 – HK 22

25,00 USD

Foundation for Economic Education 50 anniversary 1969 – HK 23

25,00 USD

Foundation for Economic Education 50 anniversary 1969 – HK 23

25,00 USD

Foundation for Economic Education 50 anniversary 1969 – HK 23

25,00 USD

Foundation for Economic Education 50 anniversary 1969 – HK 23

25,00 USD

50 anniversary of the Finnish exhibition company 1969 – HK 24

25,00 USD

50 anniversary of the Finnish exhibition company 1969 – HK 24

25,00 USD

50 anniversary of the Finnish exhibition company 1969 – HK 24

25,00 USD

50 anniversary of the Finnish exhibition company 1969 – HK 24

655,00 USD

50 anniversary of the Finnish exhibition company 1969 – Silver HK 24

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